Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Best Advice for Cast Members (or any employee)

This week in time, many of those that applied for the Disney College Program should be hearing back about their status with their application. Many of them (okay, me included) are looking at their application dashboard to see their status change from "In Progress" to hopefully "Accepted" and not "NLIC" (No Longer In Consideration).

For those hopefuls I thought I would give my best advice that wasn't even mine.

In the early 1900's, a young man named Gordy was in England. He was away from family and had little communication with them due to the technology. Gordy was having a tough time with his work and so he decided to complain in a letter home. Weeks later he got his reply. Bryant S. Hinckley, Gordy's father, wrote to his son, " I have only one suggestion: forget yourself and go to work.”

While working in the college program, you are dealing a lot with college "kids". There always seems to be a bit of drama that creeps its way into your life. This drama may affect you for good, but mostly it's going to affect you so much that it's going to make it difficult to concentrate on your work. I suggest you take the advice of Mr. Hinkley, "Forget yourself..." The time that seems to work for me is the moment I cross the gate into the Cast Member only area. Or better yet, the moment I have my costume on if I'm traveling from home in costume to the resort. I feel like Ichabod Crane running from my own personal Headless Horseman [Troubles] "For, once you cross that bridge[gate], my friend. The ghost[drama] is through, his power ends."

Remember, that you are working at Disney not to create magic moments for yourself, you're there to create magic for others. So "Forget yourself" and create a magic moment for someone else.

Do you think this is the best advice, or do you have better advice?

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