Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Favorite Photography

I would like to tell you about the people that have kept my sanity in check these long 4 years. Ever since leaving The Walt Disney Company in January of 2010, I have missed being in the parks on a regular basis. Luckily I have had things like music to help me with my "home sickness". The other thing that has helped is the lovely imagery for some very talented people. While listening to some music on youtube I came across some stunning photos of Walt Disney World taken by Trey Ratcliff. I was instantly
captivated. I wanted to know how he took such great shots. Turns out he takes what is called HDRi or High Dynamic Range Images. If you would like to know more about his techniques go to his website. StuckInCustoms.com He takes beautiful pictures from all over the world.

I wanted to know if anyone had taken the time to take these kinds of photos in Disneyland. I started my search and found Kevin Crone. He started the website ToursDepartingDaily.com in May 2010 with his friends Matthew and Michaela Hansen. The latter two I have met and were so nice to hang out with. Almost every single day for close to 4 years, they have posted a new masterpiece on their blog. They hardly miss a day and always seem to find some new perspective of the place I love so much. Their passion has kept mine alive.

Recently my passion has been amped up with the application to the Fall program again. So in my search for more photos of my soon to be second home, I came across Trey Ratcliff again and even took his photo course on HDR photography. I will be looking at doing his workflow course soon. This got me looking for more photographers in the same vein and even more for Walt Disney World in any style. This brought me to Tom Bricker.

Tom Bricker has had an inspiring fairy tale life. You can read all about it on his blog: DisneyTouristBlog.com He has a way of making magic with his photography and has helped the Disney Fan community with his blog posts. They are very informative, but let's face it, I'm there for the photos not the content. Of course I do fall into the National Geographic trap. You know, they have such compelling photos that you read this 2 paragraph caption that gives more information than you had hoped for, but you come away feeling smarter than you had from just looking at the "pretty pictures".

I hope you enjoy these 5 amazing photographers. All of whom I consider friends and mentors. Please honor them by looking at their work and if you love it like I do, by a print or their information. They have much to offer this world.

Who is your favorite Disney photographer? Excluding the great Paul Hiffmeyer (sorry)! 

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