Sunday, February 23, 2014


Fonts for Disney

Do you have a blog or vlog or something that is promoting Disney? In my last post I needed a graphic that had a Disney font. I found on
here called Walter. There are 35 of them listed under Disney. There are quite a few I might use. As you can see, I have used TRON already. I even found something I'm excited about... The font from Indiana Jones Temple of the Forbidden Eye.

When I went to visit Disneyland back in High School that attraction had just opened up and they gave us these cards to decipher the gliphs on the walls as we stood in line for the 1-2 hours. That made standing in the extremely long queue bearable.

I remember one time after we had gotten off the ride we were walking out the exit when for some reason there was a lull in the line and no one was around. We stood in awe as a man and his son jumped over the rope and got back in line. Well if an adult could do it, we were going to as well. So we jumped over and got right behind them. We got to the front and the Cast Member remembered us. "Hey! how did you guys get back in line so quickly?" He asked. We told him that no one is in line and we ran through the line quickly because it was empty. He didn't buy it and accused us of jumping over the ropes. Knowing we were caught, we immediately told them where we got the idea. "He jumped over the rope first, we just followed him!" we said as we pointed at the man and his son. The man hearing this acted shocked that we would accuse him of doing such a thing. We got kicked off, but the man got to stay.

Even though that happened. I still love that attraction.

What exciting adventures have you experienced while in the parks?

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